Evaluation of Research

The target is to develop research, innovation and technology through the support at a local, regional, national and European level. The services which we provide to our customers include mainly:
- The implementation of Technological Assessment Studies, including monitoring of technological developments and the assessment of current and potential impacts on society, economy and individual sectors of economy, human resources market, education, training, et.al.
- Assessment of physical infrastructure, research and innovation policy for and suggesting proposals to improve it. Prior to the above a preliminary overview of the social and economic environment to which they are concerned, as well as recognition of best practices implemented in other regions or countries is required.
- Designing development strategies and programs such as the Intelligent Specialization Strategies (RIS3)
- Evaluation and assessment of the impact of the projects, programs, research, technological developments and innovation at European, national and regional level.
- Implementation of future technological research studies.