- Manglis, A. Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. Responsible accessibility as the better protection and preservation of Underwater Cultural Heritage. An ongoing effort in Greece. In Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium of Conservation for Underwater Archaeology (ISCUA 2021), Preserving the Invisible, in Formentera, Spain, 20-22 September 2019; A. Sanz, E. Aragón, J. Rodríguez Eds.; Universo de Letras; IBEAM; 2021; pp.25-32.
- Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. The Promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage as a Sustainable Blue Growth Investment: Innovative technologies and bottom-up cooperation initiatives in Mediterranean area. In Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Proceedings of The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship (ETHAC 2019) in Thessaloniki, Greece, 30th September – 1st October 2019; D. Corpakis, P. Ketikidis Eds.; SEERC, 2019; pp.171-175 Available online: https://www.triplehelixassociation.org/tha-repository/european-triple-helix-congress-on-responsible-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-ethac-2019-conference-proceedings
- Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. Pilot actions for the Protection and Sustainable Promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage. In Dousi, M. (Ed.), Sinamides, J. (Ed.), & Kotsopoulos, S. (Ed.). (2022). Protection Conservation Restoration of Cultural Monuments 20 years I.P.P.S. November 20-23, 2019, Thessaloniki, School of Engineering, AUTH Conference Proceedings [Other kind of textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Editions; 2020; pp. 535-544 https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-4
- Manglis, A., Fourkiotou, A., Papadopoulou, D. Sustainable management and protection of accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage sites; global practices and bottom-up initiatives. In Dive in Blue Growth, Proceedings of the International Conference in Management of Accessible Underwater, Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites, Athens, Greece, 16–18 October 2019; BLUEMED: Thessaloniki, Greece, 2019; pp. 16-25. Available online: http://meddiveinthepast.eu/documents/142384/156217/CONFERENCE_PROCEEDING_DIVE_IN_BLUE_GROWTH_with+ISBN+on+cover.pdf/fd31dec5-04d7-44b2-bd81-1f0af4a63f79
- Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. The Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites (AUCHS) as a sustainable tourism development opportunity in the Mediterranean Region. Special Section: Reconsidering tourism development in the Mediterranean. Reflections by the INTERREG MED Sustainable Tourism Community. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal 2020, 68 (4), 499-503. https://doi.org/10.37741/t.68.4.9
- Bruno, F.; Ricca, M.; Lagudi, A.; Kalamara, P.; Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D.; Veneti, A. Digital Technologies for the Sustainable Development of the Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites. Journal of Marine Science & Engineering 2020, 8, 955. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8110955
- Manglis, A.; Giatsiatsou, P.; Papadopoulou, D.; Drouga, V.; Fourkiotou, A. Implementing Multi-Criteria Analysis in the Selection of AUCHS for the Integration of Digital Technologies into the Tourism Offering: The Case of MeDryDive. Heritage 2021, 4, 4460-4472. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage4040246
- Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. A Roadmap for the Sustainable Valorization of Accessible Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites. Heritage 2021, 4, 4700-4715. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage4040259
- Bruno, F.; Sacco Perasso, C.; Ricca,M.; Raxis, P.; Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Kovačević, D,; Deliaj, F.; De Luca, L.; Veneti, A.;, Davidde Petriaggi, D. The BlueMed Plus project: transferring a sustainable tourism model for the management and the promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage. Paper presented at the General States of the management from below of the Underwater Heritage Conference, Lecce-Porto Cesareo, 3-5 June 2022.
- Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. The prospects of a bottom-up model for the sustainable management and promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage. Paper presented at the General States of the management from below of the Underwater Heritage Conference, Lecce-Porto Cesareo, 3-5 June 2022.
- Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A.; Papadopoulou, D. The responsible in-situ accessibility and promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage as a strategy for its protection. A discussion based on recent initiatives in the Mediterranean. THE FIFTH ASIA-PACIFIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNDERWATER CULTURAL HERITAGE TO BE CELEBRATED IN GWANGJU, KOREA, NOVEMBER 13 – 18, 2023. In Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage Proceedings, accessed December 27, 2023, https://apconf.omeka.net/items/show/1967
- Vlachos, A., Krinidis, S., Papadimitriou, K., Manglis, A., Fourkiotou, A., Tzovaras, D. iblueCulture: a novel system of real-time underwater image transmission in a virtual reality environment, as a new managerial approach for underwater cultural heritage. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVIII-1/W2-2023, 269–274, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-1-W2-2023-269-2023, 2023.
- Vlachos, A., Krinidis, S., Papadimitriou, K., Manglis, A., Fourkiotou, A., Tzovaras, D. iblueCulture – An Innovative Underwater Cultural Heritage Real-Time Streaming System In A Virtual Reality Environment. Paper presented at 2023 IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage -MetroArchaeo2023, Rome, Italy, October 19-21, 2023.
- Manglis, A.; Cozza, M.; Krinidis, S.; Papadimitriou, K.; Bruno, F.; Fourkiotou, A. Novel digital approaches to enable virtual accessibility to Underwater Cultural Heritage. Paper presented at The 2nd Symposium of Conservation for Underwater Archaeology (ISCUA 2023), September 28th -October 1st, 2023, Formentera, Spain.
- Manglis, A.; Bardas, H. M.; Bei, A.; Bruno, F.; Chronakis, A.;, Davidde, B.; Emde, B.; Georgiadis, P.; Kotsidis, E.; Krebs, P.; Krinidis, S.; Kyprouli, V.; Lagudi, A.; Michailidis, I.; Mizaikoff, B.; Podvorica, L.; Sacco Perasso, C.; Rajpal, S.; Ricca, M.; Rieck, M.; La Russa, M.; Tamburrino, S.; Toliopoulos, D.; Vallefuoco, M. – Developing Precision Autonomous Remote Surveying of Underwater Cultural Heritage Monuments and Artefacts with Torpedo-Shaped Vehicles: The case of NERITES., 1st BCThubs International Conference Widening the Big Blue Horizon, December 4th-6th, 2024, Volos, Greece.
- Raxis, P.; Veneti, A.; Camilleri, D.J.; Camilleri, A.; Michalis, M.; Agouridis, C.; Bruno, F.; Cozza, M.; Krinidis, S.; Dimara A.; Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A. – Establishing Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs towards Sustainable Underwater Cultural Heritage Management., 1st BCThubs International Conference Widening the Big Blue Horizon, December 4th-6th, 2024, Volos, Greece.
- Raxis, P.; Manglis, A.; Guilbert, J.S.; Baika, K.; , Gatt J.;, Tronchet, M.; Fourkiotou, A. – An integrated approach fostering smart underwater cultural and nature tourism. A case study in Martinique., 1st BCThubs International Conference Widening the Big Blue Horizon, December 4th-6th, 2024, Volos, Greece.
- Raxis, P.; Asimiadis, D.; Manglis, A.; Krinidis, S. – The TOURAL project: Participatory approaches & multidimensional models fostering Underwater Cultural Heritage as a corroborating enabler for sustainable tourism development in rural regions., 1st BCThubs International Conference Widening the Big Blue Horizon, December 4th-6th, 2024, Volos, Greece.
- Papadimitriou, K.; Papathanasiou, V.; Manglis, A.; Fourkiotou, A. – Open Data in Maritime Spatial Planning. The Challenge of Underwater Cultural Heritage Mapping in Greece., 1st BCThubs International Conference Widening the Big Blue Horizon, December 4th-6th, 2024, Volos, Greece.