Financing of Investment
ATLANTIS Consulting supports startups, small and medium-sized enterprises in financing their investment plans. The added value of Atlantis’ services lies in the simultaneous meeting a range of requirements of modern entrepreneurship such as networking, proper perception of market conditions, recognition of opportunities and risks and securing funding for investment through all possible sources.
The steps followed:
- Analysis of financial needs
- Creation of a financial strategy
- Conducting market research when necessary
- Development of a business plan
- Assessment
- Communication with the appropriate funding sources such as:
a. VCs, business angels, growth markets like the OTC Market of Νew York, the Greek Exchange Market e.t.c ), private equity, mergers and acquisitions, family offices, individuals of high-end net value, etc Atlantis manages its own most acitve business angels network
b. Funding programs such as NSRF , Development Law, programs of the European Commission
c. The European Investment Bank (EBRD) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development start to change and apply special forms of loans from the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
Up to now, Atlantis has supported investment funding portfolios amounting up to almost one billion euros.