

The projects implemented by Atlantis

SUNBIO is implemented in the framework of Horizon Europe (HORIZON). SUNBIO envisages being the first offshore renewable solution in the world that will have an end-to-end positive environmental impact on the marine environment, through the development of a triple-use system. This triple-use system encompasses:

  1. Αn Offshore Hybrid Renewable Energy System (OHRES) to produce clean and renewable energy by the exploitation of sun (marine floating photovoltaics), waves and thermal gradient differences,
  2. Development of an underwater nature-inclusive hub to boost biodiversity and support the flourishing of maritime species and
  3. Carbon sequestration and underwater site restoration by cultivating indigenous maritime species close to seabed and along the water column.

The system in full operational capacity and the continuous optimization will have a cumulatively positive environmental impact. Additionally, it will be easily installed making the distance from lab to market particularly small.

Ο συνολικός προϋπολογισμός του έργου είναι 1.869.000€, η διάρκεια υλοποίησης του είναι 36 μήνες, ενώ οι εταίροι του έργου ανέρχονται στους 7 και προέρχονται από χώρες όπως Ισπανία, Ελλάδα, Μεγάλη Βρετανία και Κύπρος.

TOURAL is implemented in the framework of Horizon Europe (HORIZON). TOURAL focuses on creative & cultural tourism as drivers for sustainable development, offering an empowered regional cooperation and integrated local value-chains. TOUTAL proposes a model to support tourism development of participating rural regions, balancing the growth of urban clusters. The approach of the project is multi-dimensional in terms of addressing complementary tourism sectors (underwater cultural and natural heritage, cultural and creative tourism, cultural and scientific tourism). The main goal of the project is the co-creation of business models and tourism products, as well as the planning and business development with intergraded value-chains. The scope of interventions includes 3 regions from the Adriatic-Ionian Sea (Greece, Italy, Croatia) and 3 regions from the Black Sea (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine).

The project’s total budget amounts to 2.999.927€ , its duration is 36 months and consists of 20 partners coming from countries such as Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Croatia, Albania, France and Ukraine.

NERITES is implemented in the context of Horizon Europe (HORIZON). The project’s target is the use of autonomous platforms for remote monitoring and chemical mapping of underwater heritage sites, such as AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles), smart BUOYs and ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles). A swarm of self-coordinated AUVs will be responsible to monitor, survey and scan the heritage sites for detecting/identifying and monitor degradation, state of the Underwater surrounding site, possible intervention actions for alarming conditions etc. AUVs will communicate with the base (BUOY), which is responsible to collect and analyse deeply AUVs information thus providing enhanced site situation awareness insights to the external human supervisor/user. Furthermore, the BUOY will be equipped with renewable solar collectors to ensure continuous power availability and reduced mission’s footprint, enough to support the overall mission energy needs. The user will be located in a remote monitoring station, onshore, to allow periodic mission life cycle management and general overview of the whole system situation based on real-time visual analytic mechanisms.

The project’s total budget amounts to 3.994.750€ and its duration is 36 months.

ecoRoute is implemented in the frame of European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). The main objectives of the project are the design and implementation of a multidimensional approach fostering smart Underwater Cultural and National Tourism, enabling their transformation to smart UCNT destinations, with a new ecological focus that draws on natural and cultural resources, diversifying and developing smart UCNT services for the benefit of both residents and visitors.

ecoRoute expected outcomes and impacts include, among others, the addressing of seasonality into tourism planning, extending the tourism season from 6 to almost 12 months, and the support of existing tourism value chains to bloom and new ones to emerge. 

The total budget of the project amounts 1.176.466€ and its duration is 30 months.

Το uBlueTec is implemented under the framework of European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). This project emphasizes on the creation and dissemination of underwater technologies, offering digital/blue courses and skillsets to achieve a sustainable and decreased carbon footprint Blue Economy. uBlueTec is based on a participatory approach with durable partnerships among universities, VET providers, clusters and SMEs; all active members of blue economy value networks. During the project, among others, a dedicated platform will be created to mitigate the existing skill gap and the respective matchmaking in blue jobs and cooperations of the blue sector.

Main objectives of the project:

Development of educational material and curriculum, linked to micro-credentials, and enabling skills-building in state-of-the-art UW technologies from a green/digital perspective. 

B) Piloting the developed assets at HE & VET levels.

C) Establishment of a Hub on UW Tecs, as a permanent capacity-building structure nurturing the long-lasting collaboration of the involved stakeholders.

D) Deployment of recruitment platform for blue jobs offering online courses and facilitating demand-supply matching between current/future labour force and industries, while intelligently identifying and publishing the skills-gap at regional-national-EU levels.

E) Attraction of young talents in terms of Career Days and Entrepreneurial Bootcamps. 

The total budget of the project amounts to 1.143.006€ and its duration is 30 months. The project’s consortium consists of institutions from Greece, Italy, France, Croatia and Romania.

BCThubs project is implemented under the framework of Horizon Europe Programme under the HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ACCESS-04-01-“Excellence Hubs” topic. The total project budget amounts to 4.997.562 € and its duration is 48 months (Project end date: 31 December 2026). The project partners come from Greece, Malta, Bulgaria and Italy.

BCThubs will establish in Greece, Bulgaria and Malta, Blue Culture Technology Excellence Hubs, as permanent structures supporting with new innovative solutions and products, the sustainable protection, restoration, valorisation, management, accessibility and promotion of Underwater Cultural Heritage (UWCH).

Although the new Hubs are scoped regionally, they are interconnected and oriented towards national & international synergies pursuing cross-border collaborations on common strategic goals and alongside value adding chains.

Each Excellence Hub brings together all regional/national actors related to Blue Culture and UWCH, including research/academia, businesses, public sector, and societal actors, which will mutually reinforce their capacities and effectiveness, towards raising innovation excellence in sustainable Blue Economy/Culture in respective regions.

The ART4SEA project aims at combining art, creativity, science, and technology to raise public awareness towards a greater respect for marine environment. Ocean health is the focus of the decade 2021-2030 which has been proclaimed the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. The project is supported by the European Education and Culture Agency (EACEA) through the Creative Europe program and adopts an interdisciplinary and participatory approach. Project consortium includes 3D Research (IT), Atlantis Consulting (GR), IWorld (IT), Sebastiano Tusa Foundation (IT), DAN Europe (MT), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (ES) and the municipality of Vlora (AL).

ART4SEA will mix and match modes of co-production, mentoring, in-person and distance training, striking an appropriate balance between the need to have physical interactions and the need to reduce travel that is costly in terms of carbon footprint. 24 international artists will be selected through an open call and trained on ocean conservation, sustainable practices in art and digital technologies. 3 small islands in the Mediterranean, Alonissos in Greece, Ustica in Italy, and Gozo in Malta, will host a distributed residency program, where artists will be inspired by the beautiful natural environments, ancient maritime traditions and direct relationships with locals to create born-digital and material artworks.

The material artworks will be integrated into the natural and architectural landscapes of the islands, thus creating an outdoor and potentially an underwater museum that could characterize Alonissos, Ustica and Gozo as beacons of ocean conservation. The artworks will be shown to the public at 3 exhibitions enlivened by workshops and other participatory initiatives. To involve the largest number of people and maximize public awareness and engagement, a virtual exhibition – usable both on the web and in the metaverse – will also be produced.

SPIRA project contributes to the upgrading of technology transfer services to the research community by implementing actions aimed at business acceleration. At the same time, it provides know-how for the protection of the produced intellectual property, the commercial exploitation of research results and the establishment of spin-off companies.

Atlantis Consulting, with the collaboration of Euroconsultants and Hypertech, provided consulting services (coaching/mentoring) to investigate feasibility and identify possible scenarios/models for the financial exploitation of 35 potential research ideas as well as the development of thorough business plans in order to establish 15 spin-off companies.

In the frame of “Spira”, Atlantis Consulting contributed to the creation of 11 feasibility studies, and 5 business plans, providing more than 70 hours of coaching and mentoring and more than 40 sessions. 


The incubator for supporting newborn entrepreneurial teams, acronymed as “THEKLA”, operates within International Hellenic University in the university campus of Kavala and facilitates the establishment and development of new businesses, as well as the creation of a local ecosystem of entrepreneurial innovation. The presence of the local ecosystem and its continuous strengthening significantly boosts the economy of Kavala with a positive impact on the region and the country.

This initiative aims at empowering and strengthening startups through the support of innovative entrepreneurship, which forms the basis for economic rejuvenation. The startup ecosystem remains nascent in Greece, but significant signs of development have been observed in recent years, as there has been a notable increase in startups. An important characteristic of startup entrepreneurship and the progress made by Greece is the creation of new job positions by growing startups and international companies that see new opportunities in Greece.

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

The CREAMARE project aims to create a trans-national and cross-sectorial collaboration framework in which cultural organizations, scientific/research bodies, creative professionals, and technology experts co-produce CC applications and media contents to communicate, disseminate and promote Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH). Simultaneously, the project is raising awareness about relevant social problems like pollution and other environmental threats that affect the oceans. Project consortium includes 3D Research (IT), Atlantis Consulting (GR), Pragma.IoT (GR), Novena d.o.o. (HR), Universidad de Cadiz (E), Ministerio Della Cultura (IT).

The framework will be tested through the co-production of a Serious Game in which the player will be able to visit highly realistic 3D digital replicas of underwater cultural sites. During these virtual dives, the player will solve enigma and challenges thus learning about both the UCH. An ad-hoc web platform will be developed to facilitate the matching and collaboration among cultural organizations, creative teams and technologies experts. Specific on-line and on-site training activities (for 20 cultural professionals) will be organized to build the capacities of cultural institutions to autonomously create 3D models and digital contents of UCH and to use those datasets to monitor the conservation state of the cultural assets and, at the same time, to share them for the creation of digital apps addressed to communication and dissemination purposes. A residency program combined with on-line mentoring activities will facilitate the co-production, engaging also 6 external creative professionals selected through an open call.

The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Kick-iT Accelerator is the business accelerator of Chamber of Kavala that aims to support start-ups of the Municipality of Kavala in order to develop and implement their innovative ideas. Kick-It Accelerator was successfully completed in two rounds and lasted 2 years, coordinated by Atlantis Consulting. Both rounds included Training sessions about Business Model, Validation of Market need, Marketing, Feasibility Study, Investment basics for startups etc.) and Mentoring Sessions about Market Need, Development of new products/services and Marketing strategies. Since now, 46 teams have participated in Kick-iT Accelerator and 15 teams have graduated.

LAB.40 Accelerator is a business accelerator of Chamber of Drama that addresses to those who have an innovative business idea and are in any of the following stages:

  1. Formation of the initial business idea and team
  2. Development of Business Plan.
  3. Design and production of original product/service.
  4. Testing of the product/service with users beyond the team.

The role of LAB.40 Accelerator is to support a business team to reach at a sufficient level in a short period of time in order to claim the implementation of the idea-solution it offers with better possibilities and chances of success. Each acceleration round lasts approximately 3 months, concluding with the presentations of the start-ups during the Demo Day, where the graduates of the accelerator present their ideas in front of the judges (professionals, investors, and market executives.

The project is financed by the European Social Fund and the Public Investment Program, through the Action "Establishment of Entrepreneurship Support Structures ECB", of the Operational Program "Eastern Macedonia Thrace 2021-2027".


TECTONIC project is implemented under the framework of H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions & Support to Experts programme under the “Research and Innovation Staff Exchange” topic. The total project budget amounts to 1.062.600 euros and its implementation period is 70 months (End date: 30 November 2025). Project consortium includes the University of Calabria, the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, 3D Research and the Ministry of Culture from Italy, the University of Salamanca from Spain, the Foundation for Research and Technology, University of Patras and ATLANTIS Consulting S.A. from Greece, H2O Robotics from Croatia, SYNPO akciová společnost from Czech Republic and Prolexia from France.

TECTONIC project promotes the cross-sectoral cooperation between academics and non-academics, professionals (i.e. technical experts, archaeologists, conservators, geologists, engineers, computer scientists and informatics) who are active in different fields related to Underwater Cultural Heritage, in order to respond and find solutions to complex issues in the field of Maritime Cultural Heritage. The ultimate goal is the exchange of skills and knowledge, the implementation of training actions for the implementation, improvement and evaluation of innovative materials, techniques, tools and methodologies for the development of solutions and commercially exploitable products for the conservation, restoration and management of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (objects, structures, residues, etc.)

To achieve its overall aim, TECTONIC project undertakes innovation and development activities driven by the following objectives:

  • Study, documentation and 3D reconstruction of the selected pilot sites;
  • Decision support tool for UCH risk assessment in a changing environment;
  • Conservation studies, protocols and suitable procedures for preservation/conservation activities; Development of open and low-cost robotic solutions for the inspection, documentation and monitoring of UCH; 
  • Raising the public awareness and knowledge about the importance to preserve the underwater historical and archaeological heritage.

ATLANTIS Consulting participates in the new BLUEMED PLUS project, which is implemented in the framework of the Interreg MED fifth call for modular projects to transfer and mainstream results of already concluded MED projects. The total budget of the project amounts to 395,364 euros and its implementation period is 13 months. Apart from ATLANTIS Consulting, the project consortium also includes the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Thessaly from Greece, the University of Calabria and Apulia Region from Italy, the Municipality of Vlora from Albania and the Municipality of Budva from Montenegro.

BLUEMED PLUS aims to transfer the knowledge of the multidisciplinary model of BLUEMED project, regarding the realization and management of underwater archaeological trails, through established state of the art good practices, methods and tools by transferring BLUEMED’s multidisciplinary model for the management and sustainable enhancement of the UCH, to three new sites in Italy (Apulia), Montenegro (Budva) and Albania (Vlora).

BLUEMED PLUS will enable the transfer of skills and knowledge gained in BLUEMED and improve the capacity of the receiving territories regarding the management of underwater sites of historical/archaeological interest, also through the creation of Knowledge Awareness Centers (KAC), promoting new destinations as resources for the sustainable development of coastal tourism.

MAREBOX is a synergetic effort from sectors from the CCI (Creative and Cultural Industry), artistic/cultural, technology, science and business sectors, in creating unique, innovative and audience centered, experiences of the European “Underwater World” that can be displayed in museums around Europe (and globally). The project will contribute to the promotion of the European Cultural Heritage and Culture. MAREBOX is closely related to underwater culture as the sea acts as a time capsule that connects the past with the present. MAREBOX will mobilize artistic expression and art pieces for outlining and raising awareness on current environmental issues linked with the sea, such as marine litter, microplastics, etc.

MeDryDive is a European co-funded project (COSME programme) that works on the design of a new transnational thematic tourism product. The product will target divers and non-divers globally, entailing travel packages in selected areas in Italy, Croatia, Greece and Montenegro, with core thematic Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) sites. MeDryDive innovates as it integrates personalized CCI (Cultural and Creative Industry) apps (augmented Reality apps, serious games, videos) into the tourism product, enriching the experience of tourists; both divers and non-divers and stimulating their interest on MED Underwater Heritage and diving. MeDryDive will develop a transnational tourism product, a Dry Dive serious game, an AR app for visitors to enjoy in public space and a promotional video of the diving activities available in the Mediterranean pilot sites.

ScienceDIVER is a project co-funded by EASME/EMFF and its duration is 3 years. The project’s overall aim is the creation of a structured/permanent collaboration framework between marine industry and education for the benefit of young people. Marine biology geology, ecology, underwater archaeology, aquaculture, environmental protection/monitoring, oceanography, oil and gas extraction are only some of the sectors that can benefit from ScienceDIVER. The project’ main objectives are to increase visibility of scientific diving as a high quality-well paid profession; to create links between academia and maritime/diving Industry; to develop a job seeking platform, providing insights on market demands (to students/higher institutions), in terms of skills (input from industry); to raise awareness of policy makers/competent organizations for the promotion, support, development and professional acknowledgement of scientific diving; to develop a sea-basin network of actors of higher education, diving associations/organizations, industry and national/European public authorities, professional associations etc.

DiveSafe project is implemented on the context of EASME/EMFF/2017/ - Sustainable Blue Economy https://divesafe.eu/ with a budget of 1.427.723€ and duration of 24 months. The other partners besides Greece come from countries such as Italy, Malta, Israel and Turkey. The aim of the project is to integrate a range of diving-related technologies, equipment and applications into a comprehensive solution that will enable more effective and safe professional diving missions to be implemented.

MAGNA project https://www.sailinhistory.eu/ is implemented on the context of EASME/EMFF/2016/ with a duration of 24 months and a total budget of 300.000€. Other partners besides Atlantis Consulting SA are Mazi Travel Ltd, the University of Calabria, ΜΙΒΑCT-ISCR. Aim of the project is the design of a new touristic product which will be provide services for a sailing cruise along the MAGNA sea route, combined with complementary touristic activities. It will also include exploration of the underwater archaeological sites (ROV) with activities focusing on recreation, environmental awareness and the demonstration of archaeological finds along the route with the visualization of Underwater Cultural Heritage conservation/restoration methods. The touristic products which to be developed are the cruises, characterized by rich and plentiful cultural and scientific experiences shared amongst the participants.

The project “UCRCA-Underwater Cultural Route in Classical Antiquity”, was implemented on the context of the European program European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMMF) under Horizon 2020, and the aegis of DG-MARE. The project’s budget varied on the amount of 95,532.00 EUR and its duration was 16 months. Partners of the project UCRCA was the Travelling Agency Mazi Travel Ltd (Greece), the Ministry of Culture (Italy), the University of Calabria (Italy), Atlantis Consulting SA (Greece) and Itinera Srl (Italy).

UCRCA aims to create and promote "Consulting SA (Greece) and Itinera Srl (Underwater Routes in Classical Antiquities" as a new touristic product, involving and collaborating with specialized scientists in the fields of tourism, underwater archaeology, research and creation / promotion of innovative products, from Greece and Italy. More information can be found on the special platform created within the framework of the project http://www.diveinhistory.com/ http://www.diveinhistory.com/

The project “Lab4Dive- Mobile Smart Lab for Augmented Archaeological Dives”, is implemented under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMMF) Program, Horizon 2020, under the aegis of DG-MARE, with ATLANTIS Consulting as coordinator and the participation of 3 more partners from Greece and Italy. Aim of Lab4Dive is the design, development and assessment of a highly innovative and competitive Portable Smart Lab, which can be used by archaeologists for conducting underwater surveys as a support tool for research, recording and protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. In the following special website http://lab4dive.gr/en/ which has been created, anyone may find additional information about the project.

The specific project is implemented on the context of the Interreg MED program. BLUEMED https://bluemed.interreg-med.eu/ and www.meddiveinthepast.eu aims to study for the first time universally the best practices for the protection and promotion of the underwater cultural heritage and more specifically as far as the operation of the accessible underwater archaeological sites (underwater museums) in ancient wrecks. At the same time it will protect and develop the underwater natural wealth and biodiversity of the Mediterranean. On the framework of the project, pilot activities for the operation of accessible underwater archaeological sites will be implemented along with the creation of Knowledge Awareness Centers for visitors and dissemination of knowledge with the sound collaboration of national authorities, universities, research institutions, economic authorities and local community. The main objective of the project is to promote innovation in the diving sector and to improve diving experience through innovative diving services and technologies, in order to attract a significant part of the growing number of people choosing diving tourism, and have the wider public become more acquainted with underwater cultural heritage through 3D imaging at museum exhibitions and KACs. Coordinator of the project is the Region of Thessaly and the consortium is composed by 14 partners some of which are located in the Greek territory while the rest are related to other Mediterranean countries, such as Italy, Croatia and Cyprus. More specifically the partners responsible for the implementation of this project are: Atlantis Consulting SA, University of Calabria, University of Zagreb, Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism, University of Cyprus, Fundation University Enterprise of the Region of Murcia , Dubrovnik Neretva Regional Development Agency DUNEA, Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports of Greece - Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, Province of Cortone – Marine Protected Area "CAPO RIZUTTO", Municipality of Pylos – Nestor, National Museum of Underwater Archaeology (ARQUA), Soprintendenza Archeologia della Campania.

GRASPINNO project (http://www.graspinno.eu/index.php) is co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg MED 2014-2020 program. The project aims to develop innovative proposals for "green" contracts that are relevant to energy saving and efficient energy renovation of public buildings, and focuses on smart cities and communities. The main objectives of the project are to improve the capacity of Public Authorities to manage the energy efficiency of buildings in the direction of almost zero energy consumption and to encourage SMEs to enter the green energy market.

CIMULACT http://www.cimulact.eu/ was a three year project implemented under the Horizon 2020 program. The project aims to the enhancement of the European research and innovation in Horizon 2020 as well as in national level. The project is based on the involvement of citizens and other relevant stakeholders to co-create research programs based on real and validated social visions, needs and requirements. More than 1,000 citizens met during the winter of 2015-2016 in “national vision workshops” where they expressed their dreams for a sustainable and desirable future. Then specialized policy makers, including citizens, experts and project partners, translated these visions into 23 proposals on Horizon 2020 topics along with policy recommendations.

Ιmpact Assessment of RTDI Actions – General Secretariat of Research and Technology (2015)

The Consortium of Atlantis Consulting SA , Intrasoft International SA and Agilis Statistics & Informatics undertook the implementation of this project with great interest titled “Studies for the Evaluation of RTDI Actions” and was supervised by the Evaluation and Statistics Department of the RTDI Policy Planning Directorate of GSRT. This was the most extensive evaluation of GSRT actions up to the present; it comprised SIX (6) actions and was launched and managed by GSRT under the 3rd Community Support Framework (CSF). The actions evaluated were the following: Industrial Research Development Programme (PAVE) - PRAXE B (Spin-offs) - ELEFTHO (Incubation for Growth) – CONSORTIA(Business – Academia R&D Consortia) – Regional Innovation Poles - Corallia Cluster (Microelectronics).

SMART INNO – Smart Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster (2014)

SMART INNO-Smart Network and Sustainable Innovation Cluster http://www.smartinno.eu/ A project implemented by ATLANTIS under the IPA Adriatic Program. The overall objective of the project is to develop an intelligent networking system to monitor and support research and innovation in SMEs, increase their competitiveness and support the sustainable development of SMEs through the use of financial instruments and support mechanisms to improve with the emphasis on cross-border cooperation across the Adriatic region. The consortium of the SMART INNO project consisted of 18 partners from 8 Adriatic countries (Italy, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia). This consortium included institutions with different areas of activity: regional authorities, chambers of commerce, innovation and technology transfer centers, regional development bodies, a university with a potential for scientific innovation, an SME specializing in the clusters and a NGO with a focus regional cooperation at European Union level.

ΤΕPSIE (2014)

This project explores the theoretical and empirical foundations of regulations on Social Innovation in Europe and is carried out by a consortium of six partners, including Atlantis Consulting SA. The consortium has designed a research program that aims to prepare the way for developing the tools, methods and regulations that will be part of the European Union's social innovation strategy. The aim of the project is to strengthen the foundations for other researchers, institutions and professionals to contribute to the development of social innovation. Therefore, the research program will map the field by looking at theories, models and methods to identify gaps in existing practices and policies that should be pursued towards priorities for the next strategic moves. 

INNEON: (2014)

Atlantis Consulting SA being a member of the consortium has undertaken INNEON project which aims to the creation of collaborations of innovative ideas and investors leading to a shift towards a more innovative ecological Europe, to an expansion of innovative ideas and investors leading to a shift towards a more innovative ecological Europe, the expansion of public and private sources of funding available for ecological and social innovation in Europe, the creation of a unique forum focusing on the interaction between a select group of innovative innovators and investors. The Consortium of the INNEON Project funded be the EU and implemented by Atlantis Consulting Cyprus Ltd, consists of 10 additional partners from countries such as United Kingdom, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Cyprus and Denmark.

INNEON project acts as a catalyst for developing and accelerating the commercialization of ecological and social innovation, creating economic, environmental and social benefits for investors and entrepreneurs as well as for Europe as a whole 

GReen procurement And Smart city suPport in the energy sector "GRASP" (2014)

The Atlantis Consulting participated in the Green procurement and Smart City project in the energy sector "GRASP", which aims at enhancing the potential of "smart" cities in the Mediterranean for the organization and development of "smart" and "green" Electronic Procurement processes, focusing on renewable energy and energy efficient solutions. Its implementation duration was 29 months and the total budget of the project is €2.234.991,00

Developing an advanced, transnational, "green" procurement system will strengthen cooperation between participating public bodies and SMEs in the Mediterranean region in order to adopt innovative solutions in the energy sector, while allowing them to respond more effectively to their commitments to reduce carbon emissions by 2020.

PROMISLingua – PeRformance Operational and Multilingual Interactive Services to support Compliance for SMEs in Europe (March 2011)

PROMISLingua project http://www.promislingua.eu/gr/ aims to translate, to adapt to local requirements, and to design the commercial extension of the existing PROMIS® service in six additional languages ​​(Greek, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian, and Hungarian). PROMIS® provides European Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and consultants with tailored business services and tele-education in the field of Health & Safety and Quality Assurance. PROMIS will support them in complying with complex legal, commercial and social requirements at national and international level and will enhance their competitive advantage.

PROMIS® is a service which :

  • integrates solutions for the administration of the Environment, Health & Security as well as Quality (EHS-Q).
  • supports compliance with the legislation
  • supports customer compliance and standards requirements
  • tailored to the needs of each business
  • facilitates the communication with the consultants
  • european and multilingual

The duration of the project was 2,5 years and the budget amounted to €5.280.000. It was financed by the ICTPSP Program of the European Commission.

Nostalgia Bits (2010)

The goal of the project was to create a social network management memories. Project budget of € 3,469,730 and a project duration of 36 months. Within the framework of the project, a platform was created where specific personal items related to the experiences of each elderly person will be able to be posted on a website and be an important source of information for the other generations, while at the same time allowing the interaction of the users of the elderly) of the same generation.

«DYNAMO: Dynamic Carpooling Service for People on the Move” (2010)

Since July 2010 ATLANTIS participates in the European research project “DYNAMO: Dynamic Carpooling Service for People on the Move” funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) and the European Commission through the Eurostars program. Duration of the project was 29 months. Aim of the DYNAMO project was to develop a route sharing service that could deal with the non-technological barriers used, such as concerns for the safety of transferring strangers, which will be provided to both desktops and conventional portable devices. The service will allow each user to offer or request sharing a route by using his / her computer or mobile phone by providing the necessary information (route, user location) so that the "match" with the requests or offers from other users of the service.

Within the framework of the project the following results are created:

  • A secure web service that allows users to define, request, and offer routes for sharing while creating lists of preferred users with whom they can share a route.
  • A wireless application that will allow users to access the service through mobile devices
  • A service that responds fully to the user's recorded needs while addressing non-technological barriers, such as the security of a trip with strangers, by enhancing users' sense of security.
  • A “smart” matching system and a combination of three different transportation modes.

«ATLAS: Applied Technology for Language Aided CMS” (2010)

ATLANTIS Consulting SA participates in the international consortium of the project "ATLAS: Applied Technology for Language Aided CMS" http://www.atlasproject.eu/atlas/project/en/index.html, whose main purpose was to facilitate multilingual network development, preservation and content management, especially writing, publishing, and maintaining multilingual web pages. In particular, an online web-based multilingual content management service is designed and created to allow users to store, organize and publish their own personal papers and texts, also offering the ability to locate similar texts in other languages.

The ATLAS project is expected to make a positive contribution to the growing demand for online content management services, including language-based technologies. Mechanisms such as automatic detection of important words, phrases or names, automated summary and categorization of texts, computer-aided translation, etc., can facilitate the process of managing heterogeneous multilingual content as well as enhance user experience, allowing it to navigate better within the content. ATLAS unifies these mechanisms into a single platform, incorporating the following 3 services:

  • The i-Publisher, consists a strong web tool for the creation, operation and administration of websites content.
  • The i-Librarian, allows the users to store, organize and publish their projects giving them the ability to find similar texts in different languages as well as to extract the most helpful texts by large collections of unknown texts.
  • EUDocLib, will be a widely accessible European Union library of documents, which will provide improved navigation and easier access to relevant documents in the user's language.


The program was funded by ΙCT-PSP/CIP of the European Commission, it started on March 2010 and had a 36 month duration. In the consortium except ATLANTIS the following partners are involvedTetracom Interactive Solutions Ltd, Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”, Institute of Technology and Development (Bulgaria), German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, University of Hamburg-Research Group “Computerphilology” (Germany), Institute of Computer Science-Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland), “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Yniversity of Iasi-Faculty of Computer Science (Romania), University of Zadar (Croatia).

Consulting Services to the Municipality of Kavala for the program “FATE: FROM ARMY TO ENTERPRISE“» - South-Eastern Europe (2010)

The project was implemented on the context of the Crossborder Program INTERREG IVC, and focused on the conversion of military operational units to centers of entrepreneurship and innovation. The services include:

  • Promotional activities of the FATE Program
  • Entrepreneurial analysis of the city of Kavala
  • Urban and Spatial analysis of the abandoned military camps
  • SWOT analysis and assessment of the various selections of the camps
  • Recognition of the institutional framework and the procedures for the purchase and transfer of the ownership of former camps
  • Analysis of the national and regional measures of entrepreneurial promotion
  • Strategic Development Training for Entrepreneurship Support Center
  • Implementation of feasibility study of a business plan
  • Modification study of spatial and business plans concerning the Municipality of Kavala for the conversion of the military camp.

MOB-IP: (Mobile Services Innovation Platform) (2009)

Innovation Promotion Platform for Small and Medium-sized European Enterprises in Mobile Services Sector- Support for the Establishment of a Cluster of the Hellenic Association of Mobile Applications Companies (HAMAC), European Commission / Europe Innova Program of the CIP of the Directorate-General for Enterprise, Duration 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2012, Budget: 1.993.467 € It concerns the creation of a framework of advanced supportive tools enhancing the competitiveness of the mobile value added services sector at European and global level. MOBIP is co-funded by the European Commission under the Europe INNOVA initiative of the Competitiveness and Innovation Program and its purpose is to support the competitiveness of high growth businesses in mobile services and to strengthen their opportunities for growth and access the European market and international markets.

It concerns the creation of a framework of advanced supportive tools enhancing the competitiveness of the mobile value added services sector at European and global level. MOBIP is co-funded by the European Commission under the Europe INNOVA initiative of the Competitiveness and Innovation Program and its purpose is to support the competitiveness of high growth businesses in mobile services and to strengthen their opportunities for growth and access the European market and international markets.

Below are some of the most significant initiatives of the project:

  • The organization of pan-European events with the participation of representatives from all stakeholders involved in the value chain of the sector where enterprises will be able :
  • To present their business plan and have one-2-one meetings with venture capital companies and other significant enterprises of the sector.
  • To become acquainted with the latest trends of the sector and meet the biggest “players” of the market.
  • Recognizing needs and supporting the competitiveness as well as the development of the enterprises.
  • Guiding and facilitating enterprises in search for funding resources.
  • Creating synergies between the participants of the enterprises.
  • Promoting common technological practices. (Standards)

Corallia: Support of the Microelectronic Cluster for the best optimization of the research results 2009)

Main aim of the project was to support the mi-Cluster members so as to improve the ability to successfully exploit their innovative research activities on the basis of an integrated approach at all stages of the process, from conception to commercialization.

NET-SHARE (March 2008)

The project NET-SHARE intents to create a network of experts in the field of Technological Communication Information from various countries, in order to share their experiences and knowledge about ICT initiatives and services for SMEs. The network will provide the experience gained, especially during the participation of SMEs in the eTEN Program, to support European SMEs, with particular emphasis on promoting the wide and fast adoption of innovative solutions in microelectronics and embedded systems.

MINT: ( January - 2008)

The MINT project funded by the European Program Leonardo da Vinci has as its goal the adaption a has the ultimate goal of adapting, promoting, disseminating and improving a previous Innovation Management Training Package in Europe. A series of training seminars will be developed within this project which will be related to tools for creativity and innovation management within enterprises. These seminars have the main objective of effectively dealing with their strategic placements and future plans for further business development.

Μελέτες Αποτίμησης Δράσεων ΕΤΑΚ

Το έργο με τίτλο ‘Μελέτες Αποτίμησης Δράσεων ΕΤΑΚ’  της ΓΓΕΤ της Πράξης ‘Μελέτες Αποτίμησης Ερευνητικής Πολιτικής’ και του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος ‘Ανταγωνιστικότητα & Επιχειρηματικότητα’ υλοποιήθηκε από την  ένωση εταιριών Ατλαντίς Συμβουλευτική Α.Ε. , Intrasoft International  Α.Ε. και Agilis Α.Ε. Στατιστικής και Πληροφορικής,

Σκοπός του έργου είναι η καταγραφή και αποτίμηση  της επίδρασης των παρακάτω Δράσεων Έρευνας-Τεχνολογίας-Ανάπτυξης-Καινοτομίας: ΠΑΒΕΤ & ΠΑΒΕΤ-ΝΕ, Κοινοπραξίες ΕΤΑ, Περιφερειακών Πόλων Καινοτομίας , ΕΛΕΥΘΩ & Τεχνοκυψέλες, Συνεργατικών Σχηματισμών στη Μικροηλεκτρονική (Clusters) και ΠΡΑΞΕ Φάση Β’, τόσο σε επίπεδο σχεδιασμού όσο και υλοποίησης με απώτερο στόχο  την τροφοδότηση της ΓΓΕΤ με στοιχεία, συμπεράσματα και προτάσεις για τον σχεδιασμό μελλοντικών δράσεων ΕΤΑΚ.  


The LDA program aims to implement a large-scale and real-life test of innovative mobile services based on the COPERNICUS program (GMES, http://www.copernicus.eu/) and GNSS Worldwide Satellite Navigation System, http://www.gsa.europa.eu/) in the area of ​​Attica, Greece The Attica region is an ideal venue for demonstrating the potential of this kind of services to address social challenges. Attica has the highest concentration of manufacturing and commercial activity in Greece. It is the main hub of communications, with facilities for the rapid transfer of raw materials and finished products. The region accounts for 40% of the total national employment. It also has a wealth of ancient monuments and sites that attract millions of visitors from all over the world. The concentration of both economic activity and the population in Attica has led to uncontrolled construction, inadequate public transport, increased unemployment and crime, etc., as well as to the deterioration of the natural environment. The project is co-funded by the European Commission under the European Mobility and Mobility Industries Alliance in order to develop large-scale protesters to support COPERNICUS services (formerly GMES) and GNSS in Europe.

Hellenic Mobile Cluster

The Hellenic Mobile Cluster was developed under the aegis of HAMAC (Hellenic Association of Mobile Applications Companies), and by companies that are members of the Association and research and academic institutions. Facilitator of the Hellenic Mobile Cluster is Atlantis Consulting SA. The main purpose of the Hellenic Mobile Cluster is the exploitation of the competitive and innovative products and services of its members, leading to international recognition and promotion of the business environment in the Attica Region by increasing the added value jobs. At the same time, a main target of the cluster is the provision of assistance and support during the beginning of the development of its new member companies, as well as its contribution to the extroversion of the existing ones. 


International Mobility and Mobile Mobility Program, European Commission / European Union of Mobile and Mobility Companies of CIP, Directorate-General for Enterprise, 01/03/2012 - 28/02 / 2015, 2,143,760€.

EMMINVEST focuses on facilitating investment in business SMEs to turn mobile and mobility services and their products into large, sustainable and internationalized businesses over the next 5 years. Some of the specific targets set for specific companies are to increase sales below 1 million euros to over 5 or 25 million euros, increase staff below 10 to over 50 or 100, internationalize sales and its activities and potentially attracting investment capital between EUR 0,5 and 5 million.

Participation in the development of initiatives in the European Organization of Nuclear Research

ATLANTIS CONSULTING SA has entered into an agreement with TECHNOPOLIS THESSALONIKI SA to support the institution as part of the "TECHNOPOLIS-CERN BIC" project that has been launched. 

The specific project refers to the exploitation and knowledge transfer as we all the knowhow of the European Organization of Nuclear Research in current and startup enterprises operating in Greece as well as their guidance (by TECHNOPOLIS THESSALONIKI S.A.) in the identification and exploitation of these technologies. ATLANTIS Consulting S.A. undertakes the obligation towards TECHNOPOLIS to cooperate, support the assessment of the various CERN technologies, as well as to inform about the available technologies and provide support in the implementation in the business planning and the implementation of marketing research and services for funding wherever is requested.

Ex-Post Evaluation of the Program for Nanotechnology and Nanoscience

It was implemented from 15/05/2009 till 15/05/2011, with a total budget of 549.800 €, in cooperation with Inno AG. In this project, the services included EU support in the strategic management of the program through the evaluation of the results of the questionnaire surveys, the statistical analysis of the results of all nanotechnologies and nanosciences funded and not funded by the European Commission in the period 2000-2006. The selection of 100 best practices on Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences, and the formation of policy recommendations were the most significant part of final report of the project.

Ex-Post Evaluation of NMP (November 2009)

The project refers to the assessment and the evaluation at European level of the results and impacts of the First Pan-European Nanotechnology and Nanosciences Research Program funded by the European Commission in the period 2000-2006.

The importance of nanosciences and nanotechnologies is enormous at a global level: approximately 24 billion euros is estimated to be invested in nanotechnologies internationally, of which a quarter (about 6 billion) are invested on European soil. The European Commission's contribution to the development of the sector is very important as around € 1.3 billion has been invested in research, studies and projects through the 6th Framework Program. The evaluation will be carried out in collaboration with major research institutions and experts on nanotechnologies abroad. The final study will be used by the European Commission in the strategic planning of the Nanotechnology and Nanosciences program to be funded under the 8th Framework Program for Research and Technological Development.

Feasibility study on the involvement of public bodies in European technological actions

ATLANTIS Consulting SA, implemented in 2010 the feasibility study for the Greek Research Infrastructure of Autonomous Systems ARGO/GREEK ARGO on behalf of the Hellenic Center for Marine Research with a budget of €25.000. The project included an analysis of the current situation and technologies of the ARGO program on a domestic and international scale, technological issues of long-term research projects and needs, highlighting the research and business benefits resulting from the use of products from the ARGO global infrastructure, the operational aspects of its use existing technology. Also, the project has examined the possibility of synergies with private entities, the financial aspects of the ARGO Greek infrastructure in relation to the initial installation and operation of the infrastructure, the communication actions for the dissemination and promotion of its activities in accordance with its principles and policies European infrastructure ARGO. Additionally, the processing and analysis of the business and financial parameters (financial costs such as maintenance and operation, materials, equipment, staffing, publicity, etc.) and the estimation of the estimated economic benefits, together with the determination of the possibilities for sponsorship and synergies with various governmental bodies and by analyzing current and future scientific and socio-economic impacts and benefits.

Change2IT Developing ICT Skills in Europe (January 2002)

The project Change2IT.com (was renamed to Jobical.com), was funded by the program eTEN and was developed through the project MultiTrain which focused in dealing with the lack of specialized personnel in the eCONTENT and ICT fields in Europe. Jobical.com is considered an innovative e-staffing system that targets individuals of all specialties in order to receive notifications of suitable jobs in all areas of work, as well as in companies that target the most suitable candidates.

Aim of the project was the pilot application of that service in selected countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Cyprus and Romania) concerning the planning of commercial expansion. The project’s goals were to create a business plan, market analysis in each country, recognition of local requirements, feasibility studies and deployment plan, so partners carry out workshops and workshops for user evaluation.

Jobical.com provides automated guidelines and support for candidates concerning the development of their skills in relation to labor market requirements, so as to be capable to identify the right job opportunities. Businesses can place vacancies and define the required skills with parametric criteria so that they can receive applications from the right candidates. Jobical.com was honored by the European Council of Applied Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (IST Prize Nominee 2005) for its innovative character.

MULTITRAIN was commissioned by Atlantis Consulting SA, which was also the project's lead partner, from the European Commission's Information Society Directorate-General in 2001. The project was proposed to the European Commission in the framework of the e-Content program and was highly evaluated by an international team of European Union experts and also won funding from the European Union.

The project was implemented by 6 partners, 4 out of them were from European countries (Greece, The Netherlands, Austria, Italy), and are mentioned below:

Institution CountryPosition 
Atlantis Consulting SA GreeceCoordinator
University of Twente - Faculty of Technology & Management - Department of Human Resources The Netherlands Partner
FH Joanneum Gmbh Austria Partner
Eidos Sistemi di Formazione SΑ. ItalyPartner 
Information Quality Systems SΑ GreecePartner
CON7 Human Resources Instruments The Netherlands Partner

Following the completion of the MULTITRAIN project, the Change2IT product operated on a pilot basis (October 2003 – September 2004), and in September 2004 its commercial operation started in Greece.

VIP-NET (Virtual plant-wide management and optimization of responsive manufacturing networks) (January 2001)

Project VIP-NET (Virtual plant-wide management and optimization of responsive manufacturing networks) is a research project funded by the General Administration of Research of the European Commission under the program Competitive and Sustainable Growth – GROWTH of the 5th Framework Program for Research and Technology Development. ATLANTIS Consulting SA was the Coordinator out of fourteen partners from eight different European countries which participated in the consortium. These partners are industrial software developers, academic institutions, research institutes and manufacturing companies. The aim of the project was to develop a comprehensive set of methodologies, algorithms and computing tools for the design and operation of modern manufacturing and manufacturing networks as well as entire supply chains, meeting a number of goals and sustainability constraints while at the same time achieving optimal competitiveness and cooperation. During the project the most suitable optimization algorithms were investigated to solve the complex associated mathematical problems. In addition, a computing tool was developed to support all design and construction activity. A number of real industrial problems were used to demonstrate the potential and applicability of integrated methodology and tools.

Assesment of the significant work of the Institution “The Child’s Asylum”

The Child’s Asylum is a non-profit organization founded in 1919 that focuses on providing and covering basic needs (housing, food, rest, etc.) as well as continuously improving the education received by the children of working parents. The Child’s Asylum offers its services to residents of the wider region of Thessaloniki. Atlantis Consulting implemented this project which is related to the evaluation of the work that has been contributed by the institution from the date of its establishment to the present day. The evaluation includes a brief summary of the work done during these years and has identified the most important dates and events. Moreover, the project includes two reports on the assessment of the specific project being implemented in the two premises maintained by the institution, in relation to their specific initial objectives, how they have been achieved and with which specific measures. More specifically the reports will include detailed analysis of the construction project in both locations, (buildings, implementation timetable, budget, funding) and assessment of the effectiveness of their implementation. An impact analysis of the project will followed in order to verify the results for those who are directly involved, as well as the impact on the wider ecosystem of the institution using quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Museum of Photography “CHRISTOS KALEMKERIS 2018-2028»

ATLANTIS Consulting, in collaboration with the President of the Museum and its staff, undertook the implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Museum of Photography "CHRISTOS KALEMKERIS", aiming at updating the mission of the Museum, introducing a long-term vision defining objectives that the Museum will set for future. This document will be constantly evaluated and updated over time. The strategic plan will be a roadmap for policy development of the Museum's activities for the next ten years

Award Winnong Innovative Development Pilot Plan “Ano Magniton Islands”

The award-winning Innovative Development Pilot Plan titled "Ano Magneton Islands" https://anomagnitonnisoi.eu/ aims at sustainable economic development as well as environmental upgrading of the islands of Alonissos, Skopelos and other rocky islands of the Northern Sporades. The particular minor island region is characterized by a special natural beauty with significant genetic and ecological diversity as well as valuable archaeological wealth. The high value of the region’s biodiversity is enhanced by the existence of various endemic species and by the presence of endangered unique in the world mammals, such as the Mediterranean monk seal. The presence of the National Marine Park of Alonissos of the Northern Sporades aiming in the protection, preservation and management of nature and landscape as a natural heritage and valuable national natural wealth, is yet another significant prerequisite for the development of the area. Achieving sustainable economic growth by creating a globally innovative tourism product based on the unique local characteristics and combining the in situ documentation and visibility of the environmental and naval archaeological treasures of the region is a wish of the locals of this minor region. An important comparative advantage of Archipelagos is also considered the possibility of expoloitation for the development of diving tourism activities.

Consultant of the newly established Technopolis AI Cluster

On the context of the program Central Macedonia 2014-2020, with the title «Clusters for the Promotion of Innovation in the Local Entrepreneurship” Atlantis Consulting has undertaken the implementation of the specific study and will provide technical support services for conducting segments of the financial and technical study according to the required characteristics specified by the Operational Program and the Project “Clusters for the Promotion of Innovation in the Local Entrepreneurship”.