Η ΑΤΛΑΝΤΙΣ Συμβουλευτική συμμετέχει στο έργο SUNBIO

ATLANTIS Consulting joins SUNBIO project

SUNBIO photo KoM Barcelona 2024 (1)

ATLANTIS Consulting S.A. participates in ART4SEA project, which is implemented under the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), as a Creative Europe Programme.

The Kick off meeting of the SUNBIO project partners took place in Barcelona at the premises of ICM-CSIC from June 26-27,2024. The meeting was held in a hybrid format, with representatives of the project partners participating both in person and digitally, planning the next steps and activities of the project.

SUNBIO envisages to be the first offshore renewable solution in the world that will have an end-to end positive environmental impact on the marine environment, through the development of a triple use system. This triple use system encompasses:

  1. An Offshore Hybrid Renewable Energy System (OHRES) to produce clean and renewable energy by the exploitation of sun (marine floating photovoltaics), waves and thermal gradient differences,
  2. Development of an underwater nature inclusive hub to boost biodiversity and support the flourishing of maritime species and
  3. Carbon sequestration and underwater site restoration by cultivating indigenous maritime species close to seabed and along the water column.

The system in full operational capacity and the continuous optimization will have a cumulatively positive environmental impact. Additionally, it will be easily installed making the distance from lab to market particularly small.

The project’s total budget amounts to 1.869.000€ , its duration is 36 months and consists of 7 partners. The partners are the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científica – CSIC), which is the coordinator of the project and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) from Spain, Atlantis Consulting and the National Technical University of Athens from Greece, the Engitec Systems International και η Robust Systems Engineering from Cyprus and the University of Birmingham from United Kingdom. 

 Stay tuned.